
Hi, its the blog author or the webmaster, baredteeth. You can also call me teeth, a name i'm saving just for this blog and website. As an entirety, this website is something for me to do when i'm bored, as well as self expression, probably, and an archive for all of my various rambles i've posted to tumblr and in discord servers. i used to have another website that i abandoned six months back, because i didn't get along with it anymore, and I had absolutely no direction for where i was going with it. And i was being Far too ambitious for my skill level in html.

Its simple and cheerful, which is all i Really want. After this post i'll probably make a far more fun post about my JWE2 parks or something, because i have an itch to start a new one while writing this.

This blog part of my website is also a heavy WIP, because i didn't have any proper visions when i first made it, i just really wanted to make it so i wouldn't lose any motivation. Please keep that in mind. I think my next job is finishing up all the photos pages, because as of this post i only have art and museum, and museum isn't exactly finished yet.

Thanks for checking out this post.

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